Here is what Newstip Bulletin have to say about Organic French Lavender Body Scrub. Newstip is a 30 years old offline weekly publication for journalists. All Newstips Bulletin readers are journalists – only journalists – as has always been the case. We cover products and trends that can impact personal productivity in an office, home or mobile workspace.

“We’re always surprised when we find “outside” influences impact personal productivity in a workspace, took a chance we might see that with Ame Body Care French Lavender Body Scrub when they pitched it as a holiday gift & saw a happy result. Judie (who works in a place nicknamed “dystopia”) tried it in the morning shower & reports she felt fresh & invigorated going into her workday. Bottom line: Ame French Lavender Body Scrub can energize an AM.”
By : Martin Winston, Newstips (Novelty, OH) 440-338-8400; Skype: martywinston

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